Thank You For The Memories Criminal Minds 2005 2019 signature Shirt. Dayle White, the GFA was agreed upon by an ample majority. NI voted to stay in the EU with an ample majority. Only 17.4m brits out of a total of ±66m voted for Brexit. Currently, there is no majority for any one of 2 possible Brexit’s, deal and 2. May’s deal. So, yes you shouldn’t base your politics on the very small number of people who 3 years ago voted for something that hadn’t been planned or even thought out. If you had decent politicians (all of them) instead of committing to something so complicated they should’ve first studied the situation across all parties and then brought back to the people their options. Democracy is doing the best for all, and the UK currently has a situation in NI that will bring more problems and be more divisive than anything else.
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